
Kavanot: Mishlei’s mussar message

Thoughts on Tanach and the Davening

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  1. Do the right thing without the expectation of reward. (Tree of Life)
  2. imitatio dei. (Tree of Life)
  3. Your gifts are G-d-given. (Tree of Life)
  4. Learn from tough times. (Tree of Life)
  5. Tit for tat. (The Status Game)
  6. Eyes on the prize. (Strange Women Distributing Swords)
  7. Justice is served. (Good Information from a Man Who’s Made Mistakes)
  8. Assume the best of others. (A Bug’s Life)
  9. Power makes gullible. Absolute power makes absolutely gullible. (First Person Singular)
  10. Learn to read the room. (Catered Affair)

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