In Moshe’s historical review, he mentions the invasion and conquest of the lands of סיחון and עג:
Why does ה׳ harden סיחון's heart? Why not allow him to let Israel through, collect the EZ pass fees, and live in peace? Moshe clearly thought that was a good plan, since he sent a peace emissary first. But ה׳ wanted a war, למען תתו בידך.
We’ve seen the concept of ה׳ hardening the heart before of course. But that was different. פרעה was a bad guy; חזקתי את לב פרעה was a punishment.
But סיחון hasn’t done anything wrong. What’s going on here? The war with סיחון seems to be important; it comes up again and again.
You could argue that the war on the east side of the Jordan was necessary to instill the fear of הקב״ה and of בני ישראל in the hearts of the Canaanites on the west side. When the people left Egypt, the nations were intimidated.
But that was 40 years ago. Memories fade. There needed to be a new example of ה׳'s power.
But there were plenty of miracles to come. The splitting of the Jordan and the siege of Jericho should have been enough.
Bottom line:
I don’t have an answer. So I’m going to have to go chassidic. Moshe’s speech is not meant to be a history lesson but a homiletical lecture. The war with סיחון has an underlying moral message. We looked at that war in פרשת חקת תשע״ח and the fact that it is associated with an odd song:
The gemara takes this song homiletically:
The Sfas Emes says that this is Moshe’s message here. Moshe could not teach the Torah until the people learned the lesson of the war with סיחון.
I think the Slonimer explains it more clearly:
Each of the stops in last week’s parsha represents a stage of development, a moral battle to be won. The gemara says that סיחון comes from (aggadically) סיחה, speech. סיחון is the one who speaks, which is all of us:
סיחון represents the human being who can think and speak. The battle is to actually do that: “בואו חשבון”: בואו ונחשב חשבונו של עולם.
הקשה ה׳ אלקיך את רוחו ואמץ את לבבו is a statement about human nature. It is description of all of us; inertia and habit is an incredibly strong force. I have been learning מסילת ישרים with Leia. מסילת ישרים basically is a step-by-step program for personal improvement. First step is זהירות, which I would translate as “mindfulness”: Just be aware of what you are doing. It’s not even about making good choices; it’s about being aware that there are choices to be made.
כי הקשה ה׳ אלקיך את רוחו ואמץ את לבבו למען תתו בידך כיום הזה It’s hard but it’s possible and it is critically necessary.