This year has been a little too hectic pre-yomim tovim for me to be at peak creativity. And we’re going out first night Rosh Hashana. So most of the items are duplicates of Simanim 5783.
סימנא מילתא היא
ת׳היה ש׳נת ”פָּנ“ים ד׳ראוים לגניחה
Trader Joe’s Sue Bee Moscato
and bees & honey are a cute Rosh Hashana theme (that was Eitan, age 2)
And Moshiach should come “Sue”n!
And may this year be the year that Trader Joe’s brings back the soy vanilla ice cream and mango sorbet!
apples in honey
gummy fish heads
whirled peas
Coca Cola
Butternut Squash Simanim soup
Squash is a gourd, קָרְעָא. Made with leeks and fenugreek, also simanim
Seasoned with coriander: a Biblical Hebrew pun: גד also means “good fortune”.
And cumin: fortune and happiness should “cumin” to our homes.
Made with red onions: may our children be “red” good shidduchim. And may we live this year בצל“ כנפי השכינה”.
Quinoa with leeks and mushrooms
quinoa, mushrooms
Broiled salmon
Shana tova everyone!