This stich is unusual in that most of the initial words are the same; most of the perek has different words under each letter. Here, טוב is a leitwort, the theme word of the section. And it means more than “good” in English; it implies completeness:
And we know that it is applied to the Torah:
But thinking textually, it was first applied to creation:
I think that’s intentional; we see the Torah as the blueprint of creation, and when the world corresponds to the Torah, that is טוב:
The Sfas Emes points out that the Torah that is the blueprint of the world is not some abstract Platonic vision, but the Torah that we live and learn every day:
The Torah represents reflects not so much the world we live in, but the world in which we ought to live in, the purpose of creation. As Robert Cover, a Yale law professor and Jewish activist, put it:
And that is what טוב means.
And David asks טוב טעם ודעת למדני. There are two aspects to this טוב, טעם and דעת. תהילים פרק לד uses parallel language, of טעם and ראיה:
I think this represents what we talked about last time, of two aspects of our learning Torah: what we could call “left brain”, analytic and orderly, and “right brain”, emotional and holistic. And it is the emotional side, the טעם, that David emphasizes in ספר תהילים. It is why Torah is called שירה:
And it explains how חז״ל saw an odd story in ספר יהושע;
טעם means both “taste” and “reason, cause”, and both are a part of learning Torah. The intellectual side of Torah, the דעת, is generally identified with הלכה. The underlying reasons for the laws, as well as the emotion import they have, the טעם, is generally identified with אגדה. And we need both, not only to be able to enjoy Torah, but to make sense of the הלכה at all. To quote Robert Cover again:
We need the טוב טעם ודעת to be able to say, כי במצותיך האמנתי: I have faith in your commandments, that they create the world in which I mean to live.
On a lighter note, the pasuk טוב לי תורת פיך מאלפי זהב וכסף is one that we take very literally; אלפי זהב וכסף is what I pay in tuition every month!