In this week’s parsha, we have 38 years of wandering in the wilderness pass by in a paragraph break:
We have more of the details of the 38 years in the summary of the wandering, in פרשת מסעי:
(we know the location of עציון גבר/אֵילַת from later in תנ״ך; it is a port south of the Negev)
And Moshe repeats the story in ספר דברים:
That’s all introduction. I want to look at Aharon’s death at Hor Hahar:
ויאמר ה׳ אל משה ואל אהרן בהר ההר על גבול ארץ אדום לאמר. Why add the geographic detail of על גבול ארץ אדום? Malbim gives a simple answer: there are multiple הר ההר's:
But if that’s true, why mention it in the pasuk about Aharon’s death? Why not the pasuk before: ויבאו בני ישראל כל העדה הר ההר? And why the “לאמר”, which generally means “to tell to others”? So we interpret it aggadically; there is a lesson here, על גבול ארץ אדום, ”about the boundary of the land of Edom“.
But that is still hard to understand. Why connect that error to על גבול ארץ אדום? ה׳ explicitly says, על אשר מריתם את פי למי מריבה. So Rashi uses a different midrash, starting with a story about the Israeli navy in עציון גבר:
That leaves us with two questions: where do we see that Israel allied with Edom, נתחברו כאן להתקרב לעשו הרשע? And why should Aharon die for it?
Rav Kaminetzky says that the problem was addressing Edom as אח, כֹּה אָמַר אָחִיךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל:
I am uncomfortable with this answer. It was Moshe himself who said כֹּה אָמַר אָחִיךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל! And addressing them politely isn’t the same as intermarrying; it doesn’t seem that bad. And again, why connect that to Aharon? So the Netziv has a different approach (but we will start with the ברכת אשר's answer).
That pulls some things together. The ענני הכבוד surrounded the עדה; they created a community. They were effectively the first ערוב. Aharon, the אוהב שלום ורודף שלום, symbolized that. The gemara says the ענני הכבוד left when Aharon died; the implications of Rashi are that Aharon died because the people abandoned the ענני הכבוד. But to say that היו ישראל יוצאים מענני הכבוד ומתקרבים לארץ אדום ליקח מהם דברים was somehow abandoning the community seems too harsh. ה׳ explicitly said, אכל תשברו מאתם בכסף ואכלתם; וגם מים תכרו מאתם בכסף ושתיתם. So the Netziv implies the key to understanding the problem was way back at the beginning of the perek: ויבאו בני ישראל כל העדה מדבר צן בחדש הראשון וישב העם בקדש. Not ויחנו בקדש but וישב; they settled.
And when it says וישב העם בקדש, it hints a a subset of the people that did something wrong. “העם” is never a good term:
So what happened at קדש, על גבול ארץ אדום, was that a significant number of the people left the מחנה to settle in Edom. It was arguably part of ארץ ישראל; they weren’t abandoning the Torah or rejecting הקב״ה. They were leaving the community.
Aharon will not live to enter ארץ ישראל. That is על אשר מריתם את פי למי מריבה. But the place of his death is על גבול ארץ אדום, the place that his lesson of אוהב שלום ורודף שלום, אוהב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה was lost.