הדיאלקטיקה היהודית, בניגוד להיגיאלית, לעולם אינה ניתנת ליישוב ולאיחוי, והוא מתקיימת ועומדת. היהדות מודה בדיאלקטיקה, הכוללת רק תיזה ואנטיתיזה, והחסרה את השלב ההיגליאני השלישי, שלב ההשלמה ההדדית. הקנפליקט סופי הוא, כמעט מוחלט. רק הקב״ה הוא יודע כיצד ליישב ולהשלים.
Rabbi Shulman has a specific approach, based on the Ramchal:
>The problem is addressed by the רמח״ל
in דרך השם.He answers by distinguishing between two different processes
that are continually at work in G-d’s
Providence. On the one hand, there is
the process of reward and retribution,
שכר ועונש, in which הקב״ה relates to man
in a way that is correlated with man’s
behavior. The רמח״ל calls this process
הנהגת המשפט, the Divine system of justice. Within the framework of that system, Hashem’s role is reactive, doling
out reward and punishment according to man’s merits and demerits. But
at the same time, there is a different
Divine system at work, which is the
unfolding of הקב״ה’s plan for the world
and, ultimately, the fulfillment of His
purpose, which is to bring the world to
that point when G-d will be One and
His name will be One. The רמח״ל calls
this הנהגת הייחוד,the Divine system of
unification, which means the process
of revealing הקב״ה as the One power at
work in the world.
--Rabbi Eli Baruch Shulman, [_Exploring Themes From the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy_](https://youngisrael.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/TishreiTorahJournal5783.pdf), p. 40
Within the הנהגת הייחוד, the Jewish people have a role in history, and so they will never be destroyed. That is independent of שכר ועונש and תשובה.
So does that mean we can get away with anything? No. Any individual Jew is not "the Jewish people" as a whole.
>[I]t emerges that the primary arena of human
freedom--and hence of הנהגת המשפט--functions on the level of the individual. But if we enlarge our scale, and
consider whole peoples and the whole
sweep of history, then human freedom
may be constrained by הנהגת הייחוד and
the necessary unfolding of הקב״ה’s plan
for the world.
This is reminiscent of a well-known
concept in physics. On the subatomic level--the “quantum” level--there
is no determinism, and no way to
predict the behavior of any individual subatomic particle. But if we pull
back to the larger, macro-atomic level, then the iron hand of the laws of
physics takes over.
--Rabbi Eli Baruch Shulman, [_Exploring Themes From the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy_](https://youngisrael.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/TishreiTorahJournal5783.pdf), p. 42
I hate to disagree with Rabbi Eli Baruch Shulman, but I hate bad physics analogies even more. So I will look at this dialectic between הנהגת המשפט and הנהגת הייחוד using another talk of Rabbi Shulman's, [one he gave to the St. Louis Kollel Mussar Vaad on March 12, 2020](https://www.stlkollel.com/torahcast-podcast/episode/45bc7348/mussar-vaad-parshas-ki-sisa-rabbi-eli-baruch-shulman).
Human beings are social animals. ה׳ doesn't judge us as isolated individuals because we never are isolated individuals. Rabbi Shulman spoke about the מחצית השקל:
>כי תשא את ראש בני ישראל לפקדיהם ונתנו איש כפר נפשו לה׳ בפקד אתם; ולא יהיה בהם נגף בפקד אתם׃
--שמות ל:יב