
Kavanot: Mishlei Vocabulary

Thoughts on Tanach and the Davening

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We assume that the apparently synonymous terms that Shlomo uses have significant meanings and distinctions


Term Definition Source
בינה Analysis, Deduction, Ethics Phronesis and Akrasia
דברי חכמים The Oral Torah Know-It-All
דעת Intimate Knowledge, Morality Phronesis and Akrasia
חידה Aggadah Know-It-All
חכמה Phronesis Phronesis and Akrasia
לקח Actively Acquired Wisdom Know-It-All
מוסר Understanding Consequences Phronesis and Akrasia
מליצה Rhetoric Know-It-All
משל Poetics Know-It-All
ערמה Sophistication Middle of the Road
מזמה Mindfulness Middle of the Road
שכל Awareness of Opportunity Middle of the Road
תחבלות Heuristics Middle of the Road

Good Behavior

Term Definition Source
משפט Justice Middle of the Road
משרים Balance, Compromise Middle of the Road
צדק Generosity Middle of the Road


Term Definition Source
אויל Akrasia Phronesis and Akrasia
כסיל Self-Assurance Voice of Reason
לץ Cynicism Voice of Reason
נער Immaturity Middle of the Road
פתי Naiveté Middle of the Road

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